Zero Tax Planning is a simple but powerful concept that can transform your practice and bring clarity, vision, simplicity and meaning to your clients. If you are a professional adviser, you can attend our Zero Tax Institute and learn to replicate our success in helping clients direct tax savings to family and favorite charities. Click in the lower right corner below to learn more.
Why Zero Tax Planning?If you answered yes to these questions, please explore our website and contact us to learn more about how Family Office Services can help you advance your practice.
Please call us at 949-878-9400 to schedule a telephone consultation or click here to send us a request by mail.
The Zero Tax Planning Institute was a program offered briefly from 2001 to 2011 to equip advisers to replicate the success enjoyed through law firms helping clients leverage estate tax exemptions and/or maximize charitable deductions. We explained the law firms' systems for developing successful seminars, attracting attendees, scheduling meetings with prospects, and engaging new clients. We explained how FOL attorneys added value to clients throughout each stage of the planning process. Because the program was technical in nature and subject to misinterpretation, the resources offered through the Institute are now only offered through Family Office Law LLP and its affiliated entities.