We offer several membership programs designed to meet the needs of advisers at different stages of development
When you sign up for Virtual Adviser membership at $250/month for 12 months, you also receive 4 BCA
webinars (a $2000 value). See www.MatsenVoorhese.com/4webinars
Family Office Services provides a subset of the 40 family office resources to a select group of attorneys, CPAs, and wealth managers who join our network as Virtual Advisers. Affiliated advisers can use proven web-based resources to engage more clients and implement legal plans more successfully. Likewise, investment advisers can use our Registered Investment Advisory resources to develop financial plans that display how insurance and investment solutions complement legal solutions. Advisers can review resources at www.VirtualAdviserGrid.com and see how they can help clients appreciate the tax-savings benefits related to integrating legal and investment/insurance solutions.
Cost: $500
The Zero Tax Planning Institute was a program offered briefly from 2001 to 2011 to equip advisers to replicate the success enjoyed through law firms helping clients leverage estate tax exemptions and/or maximize charitable deductions. We explained the law firms' systems for developing successful seminars, attracting attendees, scheduling meetings with prospects, and engaging new clients. We explained how FOL attorneys added value to clients throughout each stage of the planning process. Because the program was technical in nature and subject to misinterpretation, the resources offered through the Institute are now only offered through Family Office Law LLP and its affiliated entities.